7 Expert-Backed Tips To Bring Your Beauty Regimen Back To Nature

7 Expert-Backed Tips To Bring Your Beauty Regimen Back To Nature

Beauty begins within—I believe this 100 percent. I put so much care and attention into the foods I eat and the ingredients I use so I can feel beautiful both inside and out. I’m often asked what my skin care routine is and why I have such glowing skin. My response is always the same: What goes on my body is just as important as what goes into my body.

If you’re making sure to eat healthy, wholesome foods in your diet, doesn’t it only make sense to follow this for your beauty regimen? I love finding inspiration directly from Mama Earth. Here are some of my tips and tricks for bringing your beauty care back to nature:

1. Don't be afraid of face oils.
I’ve experienced great results using face oils in addition to other moisturizers, particularly ones with essential plant seed oils like rosehips to help reduce redness and irritation.

2. Pay attention to labels.
It’s important to scan your beauty labels, just as you would at the grocery store. I try to use products that are simple with ingredients that work. Recently, I’ve been obsessed with AVEENO®'s Daily Moisturizing Lotion, made with oat, so it locks in moisture and feels wonderful on my skin, especially after this particularly dry winter we’ve had.

3. Give coconut oil a try.
I love the simplicity and ease of this ingredient. I put it on dry skin, chapped lips, inflamed pimples…and the list goes on! I also oil pull, which has completely transformed my dental hygiene and aesthetic. Confidence stems from your smile, so you have to treat it to the best care.

4. Prioritize sleeping (and power napping).
What you put on your body is just as important as the lifestyle choices you make, and that includes getting enough rest each night. If I can’t get a full eight hours at night, I do my best to squeeze in a power nap during the afternoon.

5. Let your skin breathe.
Keeping your skin bare faced and free of makeup some days will allow it to breathe, which is the best medicine for your skin.

6. Find what a mind-body connection means to you.
I’m sure you can remember being a little girl, furrowing your brow when you were upset or stressed, and your mom, aunt, grandma, or female figure would point to your forehead and say, "You’re going to get wrinkles if you keep your face like that!" This is one example of how our waves of emotion actually affect our physical bodies. If you go through life with authenticity and sincere gratitude, you’ll see that beauty reflected on the outside.

7. Sweat it out.
Regular exercise can do wonders for your skin. Sweat flushes out toxins and keeps your body performing at its peak levels.

At the end of the day, finding beauty within is all about the connection you make with yourself and how Mama Earth can support it. Even if it’s just five minutes at the end of the day, make sure to enjoy the process!
