Good Skin Care Routine For Sensitive Skin

It’s an amazing feeling when you come up with an incredible good skin care routine for sensitive skin that can make a huge difference. The purpose of any skin care routine is to improve your complexion and prevent any damage before it starts. Dealing with sensitive skin can be extremely annoying, using a product with the wrong ingredient can cause redness, itching, and irritation. Not to worry cuz now you can take comfort with Korean skin care routine that can be super gentle on your sensitive skin. Sensitive skin beauties should avoid using soap based or alcohol products, abrasive exfoliators as well as washing your face in hot water. And never forget to read the ingredient list!!

Here are the steps on how to take care of your skin regularly. It may seem daunting at first but when you see the results, pretty sure it’s worth it.

Step by step Skin Care Routine For Sensitive Skin
1. Double Cleansing:
The first step is washing your face twice to remove any dirt, impurities, any traces of oil or makeup residue especially if you love wearing makeup.  The first is to use an oil-based cleanser followed by a water-based cleanser that suits your skin type. Simply massage your face and neck for 1 min with both cleansers and rinse it off with water.

We will recommend a cleanser that contains no harsh chemicals such as alcohol, parabens, and fragrance. Stay away from foam based cleansers as they tend to dry out your skin. Find a product that won’t strip your skin of its necessary oils.

2. Exfoliate:
The second step is to exfoliate your skin. It may sound scary but exfoliation is necessary for all skin types to remove the dead cells from pores making them appear smaller. Go for a mild scrub and gently exfoliate at least twice a week to get clear, polished and visibly brighter looking skin. Avoid scrub that contains microbeads.

3. Toner:
Toner is a must after double cleansing. There is a lot of confusion about its importance in your skincare routine but most experts agree and can vouch for its beneficial and antiseptic properties. It clears all the dust, impurities that somehow maybe left after washing with a cleanser. It balances your skin moisture and restores skin pH levels. Apply a small amount of toner rich in fruit or plant enzymes on a cotton ball or pad and gently wipe all over your face in an outward direction. Or you can take a small amount, gently pat on your face and let your skin absorb its goodness. Choosing a toner with skin soothing ingredients will reduce redness and calm down irritations.

4. Moisturize:
A small amount of moisturizer post-wash will provide a protective layer to the skin and keep it soft and supple. It is very important to find an effective moisturizer that suits your skin type. They come in many forms- from cream, gel, lotion or an emulsion all help to seal in moisture giving your skin long-lasting hydration. For sensitive skin choose products that are organic and fragrance-free. To properly hydrate your skin look for gentle emollients like glycerin, ceramides and thermal water, you can also check out for natural ingredients like almond oil.

Just apply a small amount on your face and neck and massage it in upward direction till it gets absorbed in your skin.

5. Apply Sunscreen:
Nothing damages the skin more than sun exposure. Continuous exposure will damage your skin resulting in wrinkles, dark spots, and fine lines. All the experts will always agree on one thing: that sunscreen is the most crucial skincare product. Sunscreen is no more limited to only summers; you should apply it 30 minutes before when you step out of your home and reapply it in every 2 hours. Choose a product that is formulated with botanical extracts which will help to create a barrier on the skin from dust and pollution, thus helping protect it from irritation.

So these are quick must-do steps to take care of your sensitive skin.

Hope you liked our article “Good Skincare Routine For Sensitive Skin”.

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