The 10 Best Skin Care Tips For Teens

If you are looking for the best skin care tips for teens than you came to the right place! I will give you everything you need to know to easily have vibrant, clear, nourished, and balanced skin. Follow these tips for healthy and glowing skin! Here are the best skin care tips for teens.

Being a teenager can be hard. You have to deal with raging hormones, balancing studies and social life, becoming your own person, and adventure into the dating world. Heavy stuff.

What’s really annoying is that you also have to deal with pesky skin problems.

Blemishes popping up right before a big, important event. Or you struggle with oily skin and lots of acne no matter what skin care routine you follow. You are overwhelmed by the huge amount of skin care advice in every magazine and commercial break.

Being a skin care expert, I am going to break this down for you so you can easily take care of your skin and have confidence that you are doing the best you can to have healthy and glowing skin.

To follow the best skin care tips for teens you first need to figure out what your skin type is.

Skin Type Descriptions

Combination Skin: This is a combination of dry and oily skin. It is common for your T-zone (forehead, nose, and chin) to be oily and your cheeks dry. You may have blackheads and open pores and overproduction of oil. The cheeks could appear rough and dry.

Dry Skin: Your skin does not produce enough oil. Skin texture can be slightly rough and feel tight. It needs specific care to restore moisture balance. Dry skin is flaky, dull, and itchy. Your pores are tiny and look invisible and the outer layer of the skin sheds a lot.

Oily Skin: Your skin has excess oil production. It is prone to blemishes because the pores get clogged with oil and buildup of dead skin cells. This oil buildup on the surface can make the skin appear thicker and sallow. Blackheads are common. Your skin looks shiny and has acne, pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads. The pored are open and the skin has excess oil on it.

Normal Skin: Your skin has a good oil-water balance. It can fluctuate and be a little more oily or dry. The skin is usually free of blemishes. Maintenance is the goal for normal skin. Your skin has a soft texture and is smooth. The pores are tight and the skin surface feels neither oily nor dry.

The Best Skin Care Tips For Teens

1. Only Cleanse Once A Day

This is very important!

I know it’s common for you to hear that you should cleanse your skin twice a day. In my experience of being an esthetician and working with teens, I have found that the less you cleanse, the more balanced your skin will be.

When you wash your face more than once a day, you could actually cause more damage. Every time you cleanse your skin, you are stripping the necessary oils your skin produces to moisturize itself. If your skin gets too dried out, it can actually make your skin more oily and greasy feeling.

You do need to rinse off in the morning to clean off any oil and sweat that built up during the night, but avoid a cleanser and just rinse with water.

The best time to cleanse your skin is at night before bed. In the morning rinse with warm water and spritz an astringent on your skin.

If you play sports or feeling slick during the day, skip the soap and splash some water on your face and spray your face with your toner.

Never wash with soap and only use a gentle face cleanser.

  • Oily Skin: Use non-comedogenic (doesn’t clog pores) product. Use a foam or gel cleanser. A product with salicylic acid is great for oily skin.
  • Dy Skin: Use a milky cleanser that will be hydrating and moisturizing. You could also do oil cleansing. A product with hyaluronic acid is great for dry skin.
  • Combinations Skin: Use a gentle cleanser that is non-comedogenic.
  • Normal Skin: Use oil cleansing method or any gentle cleanser that is alcohol-free.

2. Exfoliate Only 1-3 Times A Week

I have witnessed many of my clients create more problems with their skin from over-exfoliating. You should never exfoliate every day. This applies to exfoliating cleansers. Don’t use those.

A cleanser is a cleanser and an exfoliator is an exfoliator. They are two different products with two different functions. They should never be combined. A cleanser washes off dirt, grime and oil and an exfoliator helps slough off dry skin and helps keep pores clear.

Less is more. Always.

When you exfoliate, use a gentle product and don’t scrub. Gently massage product in a circular motion.

Skip the pore strippers. They can actually create more problems and even turn blackheads into pimples. When you use a pore stripper, you could actually break the blackhead and disrupt the hair follicle and cause an infection and a pimple can form.

Blackheads are a fact of life. They aren’t bad and they don’t mean that you are dirty. Don’t get too stressed out about having blackheads and definitely don’t try to get rid of them completely because you can’t.

Blackheads are clogged pores. Oil, debris, skin cells build up in your pores and cause congestion. Once you extract a blackhead, another one will replace it. This is just how it goes.

  • Oily Skin: Exfoliate with a gentle face scrub up to 3 times a week if you are oily. If you have acne, don’t use a face scrub as it can spread oil and bacteria and cause more breakout. Instead, use a chemical enzyme that will clear up congestion.
  • Dry Skin: Exfoliate with a face scrub up to 3 times a week.
  • Combination Skin: Exfoliate with a face scrub once or twice a week. If your skin is more balanced than only once a week is fine.
  • Normal Skin: Exfoliate with a face scrub only once a week or even only once every other week.

3. Use Spot Treatments On Blemishes

If you have small breakouts here and there, a spot treatment can help ease pain and heal a blemish quickly.

If you have combination skin or oily skin you could breakout every now and again. During hormonal fluctuations, your pores produce more oil and you could get a pimple or two. It’s best to try to counteract the overproduction of oil and dry it up with a spot treatment.

Nope, toothpaste is not the best thing to use. The ingredients in toothpaste aren’t the best for treating blemishes and could actually cause more redness and irritation. Always use a spot treatment that is formulated for skin care.

4. Skin Care Tips For Teens- Avoid Harsh Acne Products

Ok, I know this is not what you normally hear, but hear me out.

I have witnessed TONS of my clients who have had their acne get worse from using harsh, drying acne products.

Products that are made with hydrogen peroxide or benzoyl peroxide are super drying, stripping, and kill off all bacteria. Good and bad. Sure, it helps clear up the infection but does so much other damage, I just don’t think it is worth it.

Follow the other tips on this list and your skin will be happier and more balanced!

Most breakouts are from hormones and overproduction of oil, and these harsh products are totally unnecessary. Pass the acne products up in the beauty product aisle and go for more gentle, balancing skin care.

I have a lot of clients who come see me to get help with their acne. The ones that are using harsh acne products have red, irritated, and inflamed skin. Once I get them to use more gentle, natural skin care, their skin is more calm, even, and clear.

5. Keep Things That Touch Your Face Clean

Wash your hands before you touch your face or refresh your makeup. Be sure not to spread dirt or germs by touching your face with unclean hands, makeup brushes or any other surface that touches your skin.

Be sure to wash your pillowcases often so you don’t spread germs and bacteria. Keep your cell phone clean and wipe down with disinfectant wipes. Also, if you wear glasses, be sure to keep the frames clean and disinfected as well.

6. Skin Care Tips For Teens- Proper Make-Up Use

If you decide to wear make-up then there are some very important rules to follow.

  • Always wash your face before bed if you wear makeup. If you make it a habit of sleeping in makeup, you can have acne breakouts or develop a bumpy rash.
  • Don’t share makeup with your friends. Not even to refresh. Use your own makeup and brushes so you don’t spread bacteria which can cause pimples to form.
  • If you have oily skin, avoid powder makeup. The layers can clog your pores and cause you to breakout.
  • Wash your makeup brushes regularly and spritz with disinfectant to help kill off bacteria.
  • If you have a breakout or acne, don’t cover your blemishes with makeup. I know you want to hide them, but it could prolong the life of a pimple. Bacteria can’t live in oxygen so if you keep your pimple uncovered, more oxygen can hit your blemish and start the healing process.

7. Change Your Hair Care Products

If you are breaking out around your hairline, it could be caused by the hair products that you are using.

If you are breaking out in your hairline than try switching to a spray hair product instead of a cream or gel. When you use a styling cream or gel, it could run down your face when you sweat and cause your pores to get congested.

Also, check to make sure you aren’t allergic to your hair care products if you do suffer from hairline acne.

8. Drink Plenty Of Water
Water will keep your skin hydrated and glowing. First thing in the morning, drink a glass of warm water. Sip on water throughout your day and carry a water bottle if it makes it easier.

Most of my clients have dehydrated skin that looks dull, ashy, and has a rough texture. Drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day will help keep your skin balanced, vibrant, and glowing.

9. Skin Care Tips For Teens- Practice Self-Care
Besides hormone fluctuations, stress is one of the main reasons for breakouts. Take time to relieve stress and relax.

If you have lots of homework, finals are coming up, a big first date, or anything else that will stress you out, try to find time for self-care. You could risk a huge pimple forming if you don’t nip the stress in the bud.

Find what helps you relax and rejuvenate. I love reading a good book while snuggling my cat. Or going on a walk in the woods. Find what makes you happy and calm.

Self-care is vital for healthy, nourished skin.

10. Protect Your Skin From The Sun
Use common sun sense. If you are going to be in the sun, protect your skin with an SPF.

You don’t have to go crazy and slap on tons of SPF every day, all day, but if you are going to be in the sun for a long period of time, be sure to wear sunscreen.

Keep in mind that a little bit of sun is fine, and in fact necessary. You need vitamin D so a little sun exposure is good for you. More than 20-30 minutes in the sun you should cover up or wear a good sunscreen.

Fun fact, most sun damage in adults is actually done before they were 18 years old. Keep that in mind and be smart about laying out in the sun or on the beach. Protect your lovely skin.

You Can Have Clear And Balanced Skin Following The Best Skin Care Tips For Teens.

What do you do to help your teenage skin? Share in the comments if any of these skin care tips for teens help you.

Do you want to have healthy skin that ages well? Would you like to be less stressed?

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